Today being Divine Mother's birthday, I was just turning around a few pages of one of her books called "Annaiyin Mandirangal",that dad has given me during college days(Thank you dad). Funny are the days when I think of them, now. I opened and read only during exams seeking her blessings only to score and it was only one particular page that I always wanted to see. It read " My blessings are always with you" and ignored every other page, didn't even peek in. But today when I opened it, I was surprised to see WHAT I HAVE MISSED TO SEE then.I sincerely thank the source which has shown me the real meaning of what is following. Mere thanking is futile, unless it is borne inside and acted upon.
What does the word "following" actually mean? was the question arose in a discussion. Mostly, if not all, many of us, use the word but we don't relate or mean it, or we interpret according to our knowledge and experiences. When googled, the technical meaning of that word was given as follows.
What does the word "following" actually mean? was the question arose in a discussion. Mostly, if not all, many of us, use the word but we don't relate or mean it, or we interpret according to our knowledge and experiences. When googled, the technical meaning of that word was given as follows.
1. One who subscribes to the teachings or methods of another; an adherent: ex: a follower of Gandhi.
1. a person or thing that follows , a disciple.
2. a person who follows another in regard to his or her ideas or belief.
3. a person who imitates, copies, or takes as a model or ideal.
Without actually following ( the ideas, the words, the wisdom) in our lives, we can never claim that we are a follower. We can never transform in our life.
During the situations, circumstances, we need to think and apply what we studied, only then knowledge becomes a blessing. It is like a treasure which we guard inside a locker, but never really "used" or applied. Then what is the use of that kind of treasure?.
If we truly be a follower, it is a lesson to learn that those words, have to be practiced, followed, that will make us connect to the source. Here are her few one liners that will guide us transform towards betterment.
1) Whatever you do, do it always carefully.
2) For the work, steadiness and regularity are as necessary as skill.
3)Go on aspiring and the necessary progress is bound to come.
4) Whenever things become difficult we must remain quiet and silent.
5)Daily we must aspire to conquer all mistakes, all obscurities, all ignorances.
6)Whenever there is sincerity and good will the divine's help also is there.
7)There is no end to progress and every day one can learn to do better what one does.
8)There is no greater courage than that of recognizing one's own mistakes.
9)There is no greater victory than that of controlling oneself.
10)Let us do our best in all circumstances leaving the result to the divine's decision.
11)Do not think of what you have been, think of what you want to be and you are sure to progress.
12)When waking up every morning, let us pray for a day of complete consecration .
13)Before going to sleep every night, we must pray that the mistakes we may have committed during the day should not be repeated in future.
14)It is difficult to get rid of habits. They must be faced with a steady determination.
15)Before getting angry for the mistakes of others one should always remember one's own mistakes.
16)Let us progress ourselves, it is the best way of making the others progress.
17)It is always a mistake to complain about the circumstances of our life, for they are the outward expression of what we are ourselves.
18)We must decide to get rid of all doubts, they are among the worst enemies of our progress.
19)It is our lack of faith that creates our limitations.
20) We must watch over our thoughts - a bad thought is the most dangerous of thieves.