Serving in general, means an act of serving or portion of food. This section is titled "Serving" as it does both. It is food for mind/thoughts and it serves us to make ourselves better and live life in a better way. Just like we consume healthy food for body to be healthy, it is mandatory to cultivate and nurture healthy thoughts for mind to be healthy.
Here are a few powerful words put together, of Robin Sharma that leaves enormous impact on minds to probe ourselves and design a new way of living life.
1) Protect your FOCUS and just CONCENTRATE " monomaniacally" on purely what matters.
2) Nothing works unless YOU do the work.
3) Become an ENCOURAGEr of potential versus a destroyer of CONFIDENCE.
4) The way you BEGIN day defines how you will LIVE each day.
5) The 5 deadly TOXINS : Complaining, Criticizing, Gossiping, Worrying, Procrastinating.
6) Dream BIG, START Small, Act NOW.
7) All great work requires DAILY practice and ENDLESS patience.
8) Change your private story about your POTENTIAL and your BEHAVIOR changes by itself.
9)The more time you spend in your discomfort zone, the more your comfort zone will EXPAND.
10)The condition of your MISSION is determined by the quality of your decisions.
Things, when we read, when we see or hear, sound good and nice, but just forgotten after a while. They hardly are connected to and understood, without which there is no change within at any level.
Words may be of anyone's but the value and depth of words is nurtured, instilled by a source,we are connected to.
Here are a few powerful words put together, of Robin Sharma that leaves enormous impact on minds to probe ourselves and design a new way of living life.
1) Protect your FOCUS and just CONCENTRATE " monomaniacally" on purely what matters.
2) Nothing works unless YOU do the work.
3) Become an ENCOURAGEr of potential versus a destroyer of CONFIDENCE.
4) The way you BEGIN day defines how you will LIVE each day.
5) The 5 deadly TOXINS : Complaining, Criticizing, Gossiping, Worrying, Procrastinating.
6) Dream BIG, START Small, Act NOW.
7) All great work requires DAILY practice and ENDLESS patience.
8) Change your private story about your POTENTIAL and your BEHAVIOR changes by itself.
9)The more time you spend in your discomfort zone, the more your comfort zone will EXPAND.
10)The condition of your MISSION is determined by the quality of your decisions.
Things, when we read, when we see or hear, sound good and nice, but just forgotten after a while. They hardly are connected to and understood, without which there is no change within at any level.
Words may be of anyone's but the value and depth of words is nurtured, instilled by a source,we are connected to.