Thursday 26 March 2015

Let Us Walk On The Path That The Lord Has Created For Us!

Someday everything will make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason - Paulo Coelho

Do we really take a moment everyday to thank God for his blessings in our lives? Have we ever felt content at heart and mind? Have we looked at our lives, our selves?Most of us have lots of complaints, many things, we take it for granted. To list a few, we have been blessed with healthy body with all the senses sound and active, we are not handicapped. If we make a list of Gods blessings with every minute details, we would be surprised and really feel grateful at heart. Not everybody is blessed the same way. Not everybody is left out too if we really be God's child. When we be his child, he's always with us. What looks like injustice done to us, it really has some purpose behind it which we may not know or understand now. It would be revealed to us later. Do we really punish our kids if they do any mistakes? Dont we forgive? Dont we accept them when they come back to us? So is God, ever loving, ever merciful, if we look up to him, he looks at us. When we ask him, he answers us.

Its at our end we have problem with the receiver, if we can't hear him. It doesn't mean he is not answering us. We always blame it outside us, but the real problem is "inside us", inside our head!.


Accept what we are!!. There itself lies the conflict.We dont accept and love ourselves, we always hurt ourselves. Hurting doesn't mean physically. It is emotional hurting, psychologically.  If we do some mistake, can we forgive ourselves? Can we treat ourselves like a child which has committed a mistake unknowingly? There is a popular saying " Believe in Yourself". Unless we connect ourselves to those words , it really wouldn't mean anything. It would sound good, make us feel good for sometime reading positive affirmation kind of. But we must " connect" , for that we must accept ourselves without any conflicts inside. Genuinely asking oneself, how we feel about ourselves, our thoughts about ourselves, we would be surprised to know what we really think/feel about ourselves. 
Whatever we are first we must accept ourselves genuinely. There are something we can and cannot change. Like we can't change the genes we have, we can't change the karmaphalam ( fruits of our deeds). We can't change but WE CAN ACCEPT IT. 


" Anyone who thinks sitting in church can make you a christian must also think that sitting in a garage can make you car" - Garrison Keillor.

Mere possessing the resources or treasure does not really help unless " it is utilized". Having collection of great quotes, volumes of good thoughts, words, is not knowledge, unless its applied and acknowledged.

Utilize the resources. We have been blessed with resources. Anything can be a resource. Our sound mind, senses, energy, time, etc. But what do we do with those? Do we really use them for useful things? We may have question in our mind what is useful then?  We must ask ourselves and find it. Anything under Gods law, which makes us move and progress in our lives, is useful for us. Useful doesn't always mean connecting in terms of financial things. To say an example,making a our character better, working towards it is so useful.


We always blame somebody or something or time, for our own things. How many of us have really taken responsibility on our shoulders? ( like I always try to go to gym, but in this cold weather couldn't go, and i blame it on the weather. Oh its cold, let the spring begin..then i will..i blame it on weather..its not right actually. Its my just finds a way out not to do something. I have seen a person who every single day has gone to gym even during snow and rains!!. It is the same weather for that person too.. so the problem lies in me and not in weather!).
If everything is easy and smooth, if there is no fight, what is victory then? what is learning then?If there no sweat behind the bread, we really wouldn't know the taste of it.  Now I get it, everytime either i blamed somebody or time or something but now i know its not anybody or anything else but MY EGO. 
It is really useful and helpful to understand our ego.  



Like if we  say IM LAZY. It is not that. It is not us, but our ego it makes or pulls like that. 

The following article opens up our mind and helps to identify our ego.



Without experience its just words. but we can understand its thick, for long time when we  try to break some habits and some patterns , if it can't be touched or broken, it means our ego is thick and its in layers. ( I had a very strong habit of staying on laptop for long time every single day, for so many years. When I tried to question why, it showed a few reasons in my mind. But to break the habit it was hard initially but it was not impossible. Those times whenever I was awake it was on, when i went to sleep, i shut it off. When decided to change that habit, it can't be changed overnight all of a sudden. after all its a habit of so many years.. IT is thick.. to break. But slowly like we break a huge rock, little by little, slowly I practised staying away from laptop for one day a week. The first week was too hard, the next week by n by,  got habitual to the new habit..If its monday, I would stay away from happy. Today, I can stay away from laptop)t was not overwhelming as it was not too much to do. It was a bearable change to take up. Tiny baby steps makes a journey. Its not the pace, but the continuity would bring in the change. And With the great support, motivation from my well wisher(s)it felt like an easy task to do. Every habit has an impression as its root. To break our habits for good, we must remove the root, until then it wud sprout up in some or other way. Our thoughts, emotions, feelings are different, we are different. we are not that. Like to put it simple, when we are in anger mood, if we say " I AM ANGRY" we identify ourselves with that anger emotion, which is not right. It actually is " " I FEEL ANGRY" .

Knowing about ourselves happens with God's blessings, the path seekers ( who wanna walk on God's path), not for ego seekers. God gives us all the resources we need to fight our demons in our mind. Our duty is to fight constantly and keep walking. God doesn't do injustice ever to anybody. If there is any pain its all because of our own deeds. When we are God's child, he takes care and he blesses us and protects us. 

Friday 20 February 2015

Then And Now!

Grateful it feels, to have seen you,
Thrilled it is, to have heard you,
Speechless I am, to have known you,
Like a child, have always wanted to be like YOU!

There were days when we played,
There were days when hours flew,
There were days with lots of laughter,
There were days with lots of pain,
But all the days were only Joy,
Oh you were there then and you are here now!

Then were the days where only words communicate,
Then were the days where lights had to be on,
Then were the days where they wont stop,
Then were the days where nights pass without dreams,
Oh you were there then and you are here now!

From emptiness to things now filled,
From unsafe place to reassurance,
It has been a beautiful journey,
Traveling along the foot prints you trod,
Oh you were there then and you are here now!

I get lost in the noises,
In silence I hear you,
I hear the mama birds's kuku saying I see you,
Baby responding kiki regaining her strength,
Rising with power to fly high,
Oh you were there then and you are here now!

Thursday 12 February 2015

Taking the First Step..

Do things change on mere thoughts, feelings, intentions? All these may create spark in us. The uninterrupted focus on the goal creates belly fire. But theres one thing that is the reason that makes all the thoughts comesTRUE, all the feelings REAL, all the intentions MANIFEST!  that is ACTIONS.

Its surprising many times we won't have any valid answers for our own actions, when we question ourselves. Many of us do things randomly based on our feelings , thoughts or at times we just " kill time ", rambling.

Nothing actually changes  if we just "think" of the changes. Well, changes are very hard at first. Our actions are our habits. To break the habits, we need to be really awake to keep a check on the patterns. When we try to break the habits, there are lots of questions arising in our minds, why should we change, what is to be changed, which has to be answered first.

Any change begins with first step towards and forwards..Once begun with baby steps , the journey continues..

FIRST STEPS  - Beautiful inspiring video

" Taking the first step is hard...

1) It needs willingness to change
2) It needs courage to come out
3) It needs passion to try
4) It needs will power to rise above
5) It needs love to care for ourselves
5) It needs firm faith in ourselves that I CAN DO IT.


Once we taste that success be it in the smallest thing we have tried, it gives great confidence, it opens up our minds, it gives satisfaction, it gives Joy. Its the small bricks with which the mighty buildings rise up and stand tall . Just like that, when we keep doing ACTIONS, consciously present while doing   it starts to get the momentum and becomes our habit. After sometime, When we turn back, it would have been a beautiful journey and would have reached a milestone. However IN LIFE THERES NO DESTINATION, EVERYTHING IS A MILESTONE OF REWARDING EXPERIENCES AND LESSONS, FOR LIFE IS A JOURNEY...

Thursday 5 February 2015

God Gave Me You!

In the unknown darkness, there flashed a light,
In the untold sadness, there sprouted joy,
In the jungle of fears, there arose the ray of hope,
In the shades of black and white, there splashed bright colors,
In the crowd of virtual people, there stood YOU!
Who made me from NOBODY TO SOMEBODY!

TO YOU all, 
A Sense of Celebration with Kajur ka halwa ( Dates Halwa)

Wednesday 31 December 2014


Many brand new years come and go and we are flooded with wishes and we wish people on Jan 1st be happy having fun and at the end of the day its over. Jan 2nd is just another day and the spirits are gone. Real Happiness lies within and is in every single day. Every day is  Gods gift. What do we do with the gift? Many times we do not realize the value of it, simply waste in random thoughts and actions. We have been blessed by God for he has made us to be born as HUMAN BEING.

 Living things be in  earth, live ( as long as they can breathe) and die. They are not remembered. They   do not have the choice of improving themselves. 
Its only human being who has got the faculty of knowledge, understanding, introspecting, unlike in any other living things( animals and plants, etc). Its our choice to live a life of mere living thing or a human being ,utilize this best opportunity and live the life to heart's content.
We are busy chasing to achieve the things of the world. Hardly we understand ourselves who we actually are.

" Let us  make  this new year an unforgettable milestone and  a stepping stone for our successful life".

On this New Year Day, Let us pledge ourselves to BE BETTER , eradicate negativity from ourselves, BE CHILDREN OF GOD, listening to him , having unshakable faith in him, FOR HE IS OUR CREATOR.

1)Lamentations 3:22-23

Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassion never fail.  They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
- We commit innumerable mistakes in lifetime, we have to reap the deeds of the sins, our mind is deprived of peace and happiness.Even we are deprived, God who is seated in heart, is ever forgiving, hes faithful to ppl who listen to him, who has hope in him,his love will not fail us.

In an unimaginable way God will shower his blessings to his people, He loves his people and sends his men to set his children on the path or the way he wants us to walk..

2)Ephesians 4:22-24

You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires;  to be made new in the attitude of your minds;  and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.
- Because of darkness, no understanding, we lose our way, indulge in all the impure acts and get corrupted.When we listen to the lord, our self gets alive with sensitivity,knowledge, light, love and all that is godly.
Having understood God's way, we must follow that with our new attitudes in mind, BE the self, that is created under gods image of righteousness.

Old Self is the mind ruled by evil thoughts, enemy of heart, controlled by demons, 
New Self is the mind united with heart, becoming one, controlled by the heart where God is seated.

3)Romans 8:18:

I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.
- When we are controlled by demonic mind, we are dead. When we are controlled by our heart , we are alive. Demonic mind is hostile to God and it never submits itself to Gods laws.when we constantly fight with our demonic mind and keep on walking on the path of lord, we will be revealed his glory. With that hope, 
whatever we suffer today, we must be on the path of the lord, and he will reveal his glory. 
Most of the people out of ignorance think their present sufferings are real.but when we follow the path, on the way the truth will be revealed to us. The sufferings are not worthy to even think in front of gods glory.

Every human being has a purpose, we must try to find it and when we are with lord word,his grace reveals to us our purpose.

Its never too late to begin, lets begin to walk on the path of the lord for he will welcome us with his arms open. 


Monday 15 December 2014

Serving- 2

For all the significant changes in personality  and to  reflect in living life, one must gain the momentum to keep it going. Mere knowing/reading/feeling cannot bring in the changes, unless and until its applied and acknowledged in our day to day living. Newly planned actions performed a day or two would bring mere illusory satisfaction of DOING. To achieve the real satisfaction within  and to transform , we must focus on BEING. Any new action to make a habit , it must be done every day consistently, consciously, building " momentum", after which at some point of time that momentum itself will take care of the habit. 

As one of Mr.Robin Sharma's quotes reads, "All change is hard at first , messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end" .

As there are a few more days left in this year 2014,  was  reflecting in mind "what has changed in life? what is a new thing that  have been made into  a habit? One more good year I was blessed with, what did I do with it? I have no solid answers. Why newly formed actions get stopped in the middle?Its the lack of momentum.  Its easy to begin with motivation, being inspired, but to keep continuing without external motivation, it needs momentum built with strong conviction and will power.

Friday 3 October 2014

Whats cooking - Pulihora/Tamarind Rice

Pulihora is all time favorite and occasions special variety rice. Its prepared in  different styles, Andhra, Tn ( specially called perumal kovil puliyodarai( tamarind rice made in vishnu temple)). Here I am sharing the recipe. 

Ingredients for the powder:

1)  Coriander seeds    -  1.5 tbsp
2)  Jeera                       -  1tsp
3)  Urad dal                  -  1tbsp
4)  Channa dal             - 1tbsp
5)  Seasame seeds      - 1tsp
6)  Red chillies             - 5-6
7)  Fenugreek seeds    - 1/2 tsp

For Pulikaichal:( Puli - Tamarind , Kaichal - thickened/thickening )

1) Tamarind                                -   Lemon sized ball
2) Channa dal                             -  1tsp
3) Red chillies                            -   2
4) Peanuts                                  -  1/4 cup
5) Cashews                                 -  say 10(optional)
6) Turmeric powder                   - 1/4 tsp
7) Hing                                        -  2-3 pinches
8) Curry leaves                            - a sprig
9) Seasame oil ( thts the flavor) - 5-6 tbsp.
10) Mustard seeds                      - 1/2 tsp
11) Salt                                        -  as needed
12) Jaggery                                 -  1tsp( powdered)
 ** Raw Rice                                -  700-800 gms.

Making of Pulikaichal:

1) Spice Powder:

Dry roast the ingredients mentioned above for powder separately till we get nice aroma and grind them together after its cooled down. The powder  can be stored .Sometimes we can add curry leaves ( two sprigs) so its ground and its not seen in rice. It gives nice flavor. 

2) Pulikaichal:

1)  Take  a heavy bottom pan. Add oil , add mustard seeds, after that splutters, add jeera, channa dal, ( if u want u can add peanuts now itself or at the end along with cashews). fry them once they change to golden brown, add red chillies that's broken in to halves.

2)  Add hing, curry leaves, now add the tamarind extract,bring it to boil, add turmeric powder, fenugreek powder(if u dont use that spice powder). if you use powder add it now n bring it to boil until it thickens, raw flavor leaves, the oil comes up , separating from mixture. add salt and jaggery, mix it well.add the dry roasted cashews at the end. the paste is ready.

This is the paste. pulikaichal we call. we can mix it in the rice that is cooked separately. 

Behind the Scene:

If needed we can add a few drops of sesame oil n sprinkle a little powder on the top that gives nice flavor.
we can store the paste for couple of days..n . Yum yum pulihora is ready.
The above measurement gives around 10 tbsp of the mix( i have made it so dry, we can make it a little loose a thick chutney.) it would yield a little more. Around 700-800 gms of rice ,with this measurement we can make..

Behind the scene:

We can use curd chillies( more milagai) which gives a different taste and the chillies can be consumed too.

Every thing teaches us something, when we observe , we can learn or sometimes it just happens right infront of us. This pulihora along with serving the taste buds, has served a greater purpose and has taught and shown deeper things which are memorable..

Along with food for stomach, tiny bites for mind, a few quotes to life.